Camille biography

1) A one time political science student (aka Camille Dalmais), whose first album, Le sac des filles, was released in 2002. Then, she was part of Marc Collin's Nouvelle Vague project, which consists of old new wave songs transformed into bossa nova. 6) Camille is an Estonian violinist who acquired a reputation as a violinist and guitar player in Vennaskond, later in the project Camille & The Band.


Sunday, 18 August 2024
Starts at 18:00


Oostende, Belgium

Camille live

Discover Oostende

  • What's interesting in Oostende?

    Oostende is the royal city of the Belgian coast. In it, every tourist can find for themselves the most beautiful advantages: interesting museums, racetrack, beaches, a variety of shopping, outdoor pools with sea water, spa centers, windsurfing and sailing classes, casinos, chic restaurants with delicious cuisine and an active nightlife. Every little thing in the city is made at the highest level.


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