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Pull The Wire biography

Pull the wire (tłum. pol : Wyciągnąć wtyczke) is a Polish punk band from Żyrardów. The band was formed in 2001 from members of "Neo" and "Cut". On the lead (and only) guitar is Paweł Marszałek "Marshal" ,on drums Krzysiek Milczarek "Łysy" and on bass (sometimes vocal....kickass vocal!) Piotr Urbański "Pepik". They started their carrier from playing covers of Californian Punk bands like "Greenday". Now all PtW rebels are on Universities, but they will never forget about punk music and about their Friends and of course about their menago Ziom :P


Friday, 11 April 2025
Starts at 20:00


ul. Purkyniego 1
Wroclaw, Poland

Pull The Wire live

Discover Wroclaw

  • What's interesting in Wroclaw?

    Wroclaw is the center of student and cultural life in Poland. It harmoniously combines German architecture, panel high-rise buildings from the Soviet past and well-designed, modern buildings. And thanks to the status of the cultural capital of Europe in 2016, the city received an even greater impetus to development.


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